Welcome by The Bishop of Fulham
The Right Reverend Jonathan Baker
Welcome to the website for the See of Fulham.
It is my privilege to offer episcopal oversight to some 60 parishes, churches and congregations across the Church of England dioceses of London and Southwark. Each one is a place of Christian faith, worship and service. We believe that the love of God for all humanity is made visible in the face of Jesus Christ, and through the life-giving presence and power of the Holy Spirit. Our churches are communities of prayer, with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist – the mass or Holy Communion service – at the heart of our common life. All are welcome.
This website provides a link to each one of the parishes which I care for as Bishop. I hope you will enjoy exploring all that is on offer here.
I pray that God will richly bless you

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Directory of Fulham churches, with photos, maps and contact details

See more pictures about Fulham of Bishop